Shrink It

Slimming Aesthetic Treatments

RevIV Rejuvenation Medical Spa, located in Arcata and Redding, offers effective slimming aesthetic treatments. Schedule a consultation to see if a treatment is right for you.

Morpheus 8 Body

Introducing Morpheus 8 Body, the first and only FDA-approved technology for the deepest Fractional Micro needling and subdermal adipose tissue remodeling. With its innovative large surface tip, this revolutionary device delivers remarkable results by stimulating collagen and resurfacing the skin. Experience a tighter and smoother body appearance with Morpheus 8 Body.

Morpheus 8 Tone

Experience the power of Morpheus 8 Tone, a non-invasive muscle strengthening technology that utilizes low frequency pulses to deliver electrical muscle stimulation (EMS). This innovative treatment induces involuntary muscle contractions, effectively toning and strengthening your muscles. Enjoy the benefits of a firmer, more defined physique with Morpheus 8 Tone.

Double chin treatment in Arcata and Redding, CA

Shrink Your Double Chin with Kybella Treatment

Kybella is an FDA-approved, non-surgical treatment that targets and reduces the appearance of a double chin, also known as submental fullness. The treatment is performed in our office by a trained medical professional and involves small injections under the chin that dissolve stubborn fat cells. It is a highly effective and permanent solution for shrinking the double chin when surgery is not a suitable option.

The treatment typically takes 30-45 minutes and most clients require 2-3 appointments. During the consultation, our specialist will evaluate your individual case and recommend the best course of treatment to achieve your desired results.