Grow It

Effective Hair Growth Treatments

Revitalize your hair growth with non-surgical Stem Cell Microneedling, Alma TED treatments, Tress supplements and HydraFacial Keravive at RevIV Rejuvenation Medical Spa. Enjoy thicker, stronger hair, reduced hair loss, and improved health and appearance of your hair and scalp.

Hair Growth Solutions

If you’re experiencing hair loss, thinning hair, or slow growth, RevIV Rejuvenation Medical Spa offers non-surgical treatment options for improving hair density and thickness. Please schedule a consultation to speak with our hair growth treatment specialists.


PRP / Stem Cell Microneedling

PRP treatment harnesses the power of your own growth factors and healing properties found in the patient's blood plasma to revitalize the hair follicles. Stem Cell Microneedling uses a device that creates tiny punctures in the scalp, applying a serum containing stem cells to activate the body's natural healing response and promote hair growth. These non-invasive treatments have minimal recovery time and can be combined with other treatments for superior results.

Alma TED Treatment

The Alma TED Treatment (Tissue Energy Delivery) utilizes 33 different growth factors, acoustic sound waves and air pressure to produce active hair growth factors, scalp health, and follicular strength deep into the skin. The treatment delivers thermal energy to the scalp to increase blood flow and promote hair growth. This combination is designed to increase blood flow, optimize scalp health and stimulate hair follicles to produce thicker, stronger, healthier hair.


Zao® Tress is a carefully formulated dietary supplement designed to support hair health and growth. Its synergistic formula contains a variety of well-recognized and scientifically researched nutrients that work together to repair damaged hair follicles and promote the health and growth of hair. By providing essential nutrients and supporting the repair and growth of hair follicles, Zao® Tress can help you achieve the luscious locks you've always wanted.


HydraFacial Scalp Treatment

HydraFacial Keravive

Scalp Health Matters! A healthy scalp is the foundation for healthy hair. Try this unique relaxing scalp treatment that cleanses, stimulates, nourish and hydrate your scalp for a fuller and healthier looking head of hair.

HydraFacial with Keravive is indicated for people who want just a healthier scalp and for those who are suffering from scalp flaking itchiness, dryness or irritation. Benefits those with hair thinning. This unique treatment provides cleanse, exfoliation and hydration of the scalp and hair follicles. This treatment removes dirt, oil, flakes and dead skin cells and impurities for the surface of the scalp and from hair follicles and situates scalp circulation for overall scalp health. Keravive ensures scalp with growth factor and skin protein designed to nourish and stimulate scalp hair follicles. This is a GREAT treatment as a pretreatment for PRP hair or TED hair.

Woman after hydrafacial hair growth treatment in Redding and Arcata, CA